My name is Eleanor. I am 38 and reasonably healthy but I do have fibromyalgia. I have no medical qualifications but I have been studying Clinical Nutrition for some time now. I have found that the healthiest way to eat, for me anyway, is to maintain a low carb diet. What does that mean? Simply put, I rarely eat the following:
I am not suggesting that you follow Atkins or similar diets. I don't believe that any extreme diet is the way to go. I do however eat a high protein diet but I also eat carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, salad and a little fruit (fruit contains fructose which is essentially sugar). The protein I eat consists mainly of meat, seafood, cheese, dairy products, eggs, nuts (excluding peanuts as these are not actually a nut but a member of the legume family) and seeds.
So many people tell me that they couldn't possibly manage without potatoes or bread. But it really isn't as difficult as it sounds. Lunch doesn't have to be a sandwich. It can be a delicious fresh salad. There are so many fantastic ingredients you can use to make an incredible salad. Or what about a mushroom omelette or scrambled eggs with smoked salmon? Homemade soup is another option.You don't need to start spending longer in the kitchen to create low carb meals, you simply need to learn to think differently about food.
I have two reasons for maintaining this way of eating. Firstly, my weight. You hear all the time that people can't lose weight because they have a slower metabolism or that they don't eat badly but with me it REALLY is true! I have battled with my weight all my life yet I have always been interested in what I put into my body so have consciously never overeaten or indulged in regular takeaways etc. I'm not obese but I've never been skinny or even slim really. Since I started eating low carb I finally feel that I can control my weight. I don't think I will ever be a stick but I am able to stay at a reasonable weight and ensure that it doesn't go up and if I'm particularly strict, it even goes down!
My second and more important reason is that the symptoms of my fibromyalgia are much better when I eat a high protein diet. I discovered this whilst on holiday in Italy. Usually I relax my diet when I go away and Italy is of course the land of pizza and pasta. Very shortly after I started indulging, the pain in my legs became unbearable. I literally could hardly walk. Once I stopped the bread and pasta, the symptoms faded rapidly.
I am hoping, with this blog, to share my knowledge and recipes to help other people in their quest to eat more healthily and reduce their pain.